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Saturn and Jupiter: Father and Son and The Clash of the Titans on the Solstice

Issue 3 of the Missives From Jupiter News.

I know there are astrologers posting online who tend toward hyperbole as a self promotion tactic. But this year . . . this year . . . I am not sure hyperbole could match all the drama of the January 20, 2020 triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto in grim Capricorn. Starting with the first reveal of the looming pandemic exactly on that date.

Quickly following was the very public murder of George Floyd by the police and the ensuing rise of the Black Lives Matter movement. White supremacists marching with tiki torches and Nazi insignias. Crazy people feeding on alt-right media pablum and fighting the idea of wearing a mask in a pandemic. According to investigative reporting by major news outlets, Cyber attacks by Russia kicked off in March without notice or comment from a president whose loyalty to his country is questionable. Donald Trump presided over it all with his cruelty, racism, misogyny, narcissism, arrogance, and ineptitude at a time we we had no space to make allowances for such dalliances. And finally today the Republican party is so determined to stay in power that they are willing to completely upend the constitutional democracy that this country has fought to maintain for the last 250 years.

Now on December 21, 2020, Saturn and Jupiter have moved on together away from Pluto and into egalitarian Aquarius at 0 degrees. The are the closest they have been to each other in 800 years. On the solstice, no less. It is the same conjunction that astrologer’s suggest led the three wise men a.k.a. Chaldean astrologers looking for a new king, to Jesus.

The synchronicities of astrology continue to fascinate me. A brief description of the mythology of Saturn and Jupiter from a Google heading blurb: “After Jupiter (Zeus) was raised by his mother, his destiny was to take over his own father, Saturn (Cronus), as revenge for all he had done to his brothers and sisters in the past. When Jupiter grew up, he made Saturn vomit up all of the children he had swallowed. All the brothers and sisters joined forces and overthrew Saturn in a 10-year battle for supremacy called the Titanomachy.

The clash of the Titans is being replayed in real time and we are seeing it in action now.

Saturn and Jupiter are the two social planets in the solar pantheon and they reflect the political environment the most clearly.

Historian, Heather Cox Richardson, reflected on the politics of the day in December 19 newsletter leading with the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction even as she (I assume) wasn’t aware of it. She talked about the importance of Joe Biden’s appointment of native American, Deb Haaland (D-NM) as Secretary of the Interior Department.

In her lead she quotes Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci, “The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters,” And she ends with “A new world struggles to be born”.

And now today this article leads in the KC local newspaper

The truth in Black and white: An apology from The Kansas City Star

For Kansas City natives this is huge. I went to high school in KC, at that time, a heavily redlined and segregated city.

Genius and visionary thinker, Aquarius, is also a master of innovation and all things technical. And right on time the amazingly rapid development of a vaccines to fight Covid is complete and delivered. Moderna literally hit the streets today.

You could make this stuff up but it wouldn’t be as dramatic.

Who needs hyperbole.

If you get a chance to view the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in the sky, it’s worth it. Get outside of the city’s lights and trees and see it in the southwest corner of the sky just after sunset. In this part of the world you have to catch it quick as it is setting behind the Sun. It was very bright tonight but it will be visible separating for a few more days. Binoculars or a telescope would enhance the experience. You might see Jupiter’s moons and Saturn’s rings. Jupiter will actually move through Saturn’s rings. Check your location for the time. Here in KC it will show best between 5:30 and 6.

And of course, a book plug. The Jupiter Advantage is available now in hardcover and softcover. You can order it from any retail bookstore, in stock at Aquarius in Kansas City, and on

And I will be available for personal consulting the week after Christmas.

Happy Solstice! We are all looking forward the next one…March 21, 2121.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year.